Víctor Hugo pointed out the opposition and the economic power: “They are all coup plotters»

Víctor Hugo pointed out the opposition and the economic power: “They are all coup plotters»

Victor Hugo Morales made a harsh editorial for AM750 where he analyzed the role of the International Monetary Fund, the media and the opposition during the electoral campaign and assured that “They are all, deep down, coup plotters.”

The editorial of Víctor Hugo Morales

It seems that the blow does not come out. The IMF started, Clarín continued with the bomb plan. To make matters worse, they say bomb plan as if something exploded on their lips. He bomb plan, they repeat. AND they say it with a smile. Like they’re smart. Like they’re cynical. But of high birth.

The blow does not walk. Now the oil tankers, when Arcor and Molinos Río de la Plata and the others do not appear. They are all, deep down, coup plotters. People who want everything to go haywire.

Let’s see if then the Government has no choice but to attend to the people who supposedly go out into the streets in despair, there is great repression and within that great repression a helicopter leaves. This is the illusion they have had. They even published the helicopter at some point, as an expression of desire.

The role of the IMF in the campaign

but there is most sworn enemies in this whole story. And one of them is International Monetary Fund. It was a real disgrace for Argentina when Macri, who is also a disgrace for Argentines, brought them.

Again. Here, to try your luck. He is the only client they have. 61% of the IMF’s clientele is Argentina. So that? to destroy it. To take everything away from Argentina. For some stupid person to come and say that YPF must be privatized and they, their friends, buy it.

Those from here and those from abroad around the great business that Argentina can mean. We must privatize Argentinian airlines, one of them is going to buy it. Then they leave it as they left it. And so on.

Because that’s what the country and the Government want, to make your business life easier. It’s the only thing that matters to them. They are savages. They are murderers. Really.

Because people sometimes die of hunger. Because young people remain paralyzed, very poorly fed. And what is not fed before the age of five, he does not get back, even if he is put to live in a palace for the rest of his life.

Speculation and politics

That is why it is so important to talk about those issues that have to do with feeding. And that is why it is so serious that there is murderers They have the noodle to put it at 5 pesos and they put it at 7.

Because with 2 pesos more per kilo of noodles by selling a million, they earn 2 million. They always win in millions. A burden for them, with everything they have, is an outrage. And a burden for the people, it is tremendous. Every day is like this.

And everything happened, particularly, after the IMF. When the Fund appeared, we knew what was going to happen. Inflation. What Cristina Fernández de Kirchner announced. As always, with a vision that anticipates everything.

What Kicillof says about the IMF and how it acted has to do with the great enemies of the country and the people. With great business friends and those who make a living from business in Argentina.

Have a newspaper, to sell noodles, oil or soybeans, whatever gives you a great result these days is tied to the importance, influence, debt and madness that the IMF unleashes on the country.

Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2023-10-31 21:58:13 en:

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#Víctor #Hugo #pointed #opposition #economic #power #coup #plotters

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