There is one week left for the debate and two weeks for the runoff. When you ask the artificial intelligence who to vote for, it answers: “I can solve the origin of the universe, but with this mess you can handle it alone.”
We are already counting down to the debate and anything can happen. Let there be a lack of gasoline again, let them throw up new folders, let them invent four more types of dollars and until Cristina says that she is not a Kirchnerist either.
Read also: Massa will use the debate with Milei to mobilize the ruling party apparatus in the popular neighborhoods
Next Sunday the last presidential debate prior to the runoff will take place. (Photo: REUTERS/Agustín Marcarian)By: REUTERS
On the other hand, the advisors from “La Libertad Avanza” and “Unión por la Patria” adjust their campaign strategies so as not to scare away the electorate. They advise Milei to stay as far away from the caste as possible, and Massa is advised to stay as far away as possible from the Minister of Economy. The motto is to remove all the prominent characters from the scene, which is why Massa has hidden Cristina, Alberto, Maximo, Cámpora and the big guys from the CGT. And Milei has hidden Ramiro Marra, Benegas Lynch Sr., Benegas Lynch Jr., Lilia Lemoine and now also Diana Mondino.
In the two forces competing for the presidency there are more people in custody than in phase 1 of the quarantine. The problem is that when the candidates have to hide so many unpresentable people, they run out of people to campaign for them in the media and they have to scrape the bottom of the pot.
Read also: The campaign in Congress: Massa and Milei face each other in Deputies and a definition could make the minister uncomfortable
Finally, politicians are at the service of the people: Massa takes care of your children and grandchildren, Milei takes care of your dogs and Insaurralde takes care of your cats. Macri is shouldering the La Libertad Avanza campaign. He got so up front, that he no longer talks to Milei, he talks directly to Conan. Although he is a little absent in the media, Milei is still fully active on the networks. She looks at her Instagram post about the runoff: “Having dignity vs shitting in a bucket.”
I don’t quite understand the metaphor. Already He had said that the peso is an excrement and accused some opponents of “Keynesian shit”. It is a message addressed to the public that asks them not to screw up. When the issue of organ sales was taking a backseat, the possible chancellor of La Libertad Avanza, Diana Mondino, put it back into the public discussion by saying that: “the organ market is something fantastic.” Look there are words, huh. But fantastic? Better that they return to friendlier topics such as the sale of weapons, since you don’t have to go around opening the door to anyone to get them. If he becomes chancellor he can sign a free organ trade agreement with some countries with impoverished people like ours.

Diana Mondino spoke again about the sale of organs and said that «it is something fantastic.» (Photo: Instagram/
Milei He is going to visit four provinces in a week and is going to close the campaign in Córdoba, the most anti-k province. And he already has his final catchphrase: “Long live freedom, culiao.” Massafor its part, analyzes the possibility of closing your campaign in La Matanza. He’s going to define it at the last minute, so the people don’t find out and he doesn’t have to hide them.
PRO deputies presented a project for the November 20 holiday to be moved to the following week due to the ballot. The Electoral Justice had requested the same. It was a reasonable measure for the majority to go vote and, incidentally, if you want to cut your own balls, have your sharpest scissors at hand. But the government believes that those who go on vacation are mostly from the opposition and is reluctant to do so. The only thing missing is for them to release the pro-trip with refunds for all those who vote for Milei so they can take it on election day.
Read also: On alert for the growth of Javier Milei, Sergio Massa reorganizes his campaign in the interior strongholds
We asked the office of Juan Pablo de Jesús in the Buenos Aires Legislature for the sworn asset declarations that he presented since he was a deputy, in 2019. But he did not answer us. We also asked for the sworn statement from Federico Otermin, the man that Martín Insaurralde chose as his successor in Lomas de Zamora, and that he won despite the yacht scandal.
Of course, he didn’t answer. But his white heritage appears in the statement of his wife, Daniela Vilar, a Cámpora activist who is Axel Kicillof’s Minister of the Environment. And we found something curious: Vilar says that her husband earns a total of $3 and a half million per year. In other words, the president of the Chamber of Deputies earns $289. 566 per month, less than the gnocchi paid by the leading Chocolate Rigau, who earned almost 600 lucas per month. In the area of Insaurralde, no one’s numbers are closed.
Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2023-11-06 01:57:06 en:
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