Technical report on Sebastián Piñera’s helicopter may take at least a year – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

Technical report on Sebastián Piñera’s helicopter may take at least a year – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

The General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) started this Monday investigations into the causes of the helicopter crash in which the former President Sebastian Piñera He died on Tuesday, after falling into the Lake Ranco, River region.

The results of those investigations They are expected to be reflected in a technical report prepared by the aeronautical organization, which aims to elucidate whether the incident It was caused by human error or aircraft failure.

He former president of the Chilean Air Federation (Fedach) Julio Subercaseaux noted that «it is very important to see, for example, what conditions the controls were in, In what positions were the instruments… «There are certain things that are ‘recorded’ and all of that comes out in the expert reports, which gives clues.»

However, the aeronautical consultant also indicated that «In these small helicopters there is no black box: «This is only used in aircraft with a certain size upwards», which is why the DGAC report would take at least a year to complete.

The time this report will take will force the regional prosecutor Tatiana Esquival to extend the case, which is also supported by the head of the Anti-Corruption Unit, Eugenio Campos, at the request of the national prosecutor.

«Since these are facts that are eminently technical, what happens in these cases is that the Public ministry exhaust your research and now «He has no further steps to carry out,» explained Rodrigo Aranidasdirector of the Chilean Institute of Aeronautical and Space Law (IDAE).

Therefore, «in one, two or three years, when the Directorate has completed its final report, Only then does the Prosecutor’s Office adopt a resolution,» added the specialist in aeronautical law.

In this way, it is expected that the expert reports will be developed during the estimated time in hills, place to which the helicopter was taken this Sunday Robinson R44 -from the United States and one of the best sellers in the world- by ​​land to the DGAC offices.

Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2024-02-12 18:04:52 en:

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