which lines it affects and until what time there will be no services this Wednesday, February 21 – News from Argentina – Es de Latino News

which lines it affects and until what time there will be no services this Wednesday, February 21 – News from Argentina – Es de Latino News

This Wednesday, February 21, there is a train stoppage for 24 hours throughout the country. The measure of strength affects all lines and also to freight railways. The interruption of services occurs as a claim for a salary increase.

The strike occurs in the midst of a tense relationship between the Government and the provinces due to subsidy cut on public transport and days after rate increase that the Ministry of Transportation applied in the AMBA.

Read also: Long-distance train fares increase: what are the new values

In radio statements, the general secretary of La Fraternidad, Omar Maturano, explained that “There was no proposal from the Government” for the salary update corresponding to December, January and February.

Train strike: how much long-distance train fares cost

Since March 1, the value of long-distance train tickets are as follows:

  • Constitución-Mar del Plata: The reference rate for the service is $4,493, which is equivalent to $11.25 per kilometer.
  • Constitución-Pinamar: The reference rate is $3,896, which is equivalent to $11.25 per kilometer.
  • Constitución-Bahia Blanca: They set an average rate of $7,691, equivalent to $11.25 per km.
  • Retiro-Justo Daract (San Luis): The reference value is $7365.

Train strike: what are the options for traveling on the AMBA this Wednesday, February 21

The AMBA buses will make their usual route with the same frequency as the rest of the week.

For their part, the subways will provide their daily service normally, with the exception of line D, which remains closed for works.

Train stoppage: what services will operate normally

The general secretary of La Fraternidad, Omar Maturano, clarified that some services will function normally despite the force measure.

«This Wednesday all services will be stopped except for some long-distance services to Rosario, Mar del Plata, Tucumán and Córdoba so as not to harm the people who have already purchased the tickets and even if they are reimbursed later they will not be able to buy the ticket for the increases,» said the union leader.

More expensive trains: how much does it cost to travel on the AMBA

  • Miter, Sarmiento, San Martín and Urquiza line: the minimum is $130
  • Roca Line, Belgrano North and South: the ticket costs $130.

Train strike: which lines are not working this Wednesday, February 21

None of the lines The country’s railways will provide services this Wednesday, February 21, as reported by La Fraternidad in a statement.

Omar Maturano, general secretary of La Fraternidad: «We are tired of making claims»

«We have been making the claims since December 10. We are tired of making complaints, to say that they update our salaries. We are patient, but patience has a limit,» he said in dialogue with TN at Night the general secretary of La Fraternidad, Omar Maturano.

In this sense, he insisted: «It is not asking for an increase, it is for them to recognize inflation.» In turn, he said that a machinist who has been working for 10 years charges $990,000, and they request a 50% recomposition.

The Fraternity pointed out against the National Government: «Its attitude violates social peace»

The La Fraternidad union, which called for a train strike for this Wednesday, February 21, starting at 00:00, charged fully against the National Government through a statement.

«They cannot ignore the law that defends users and establishes a conciliatory method, so His attitude violates the social order, constitutional rights and offends users and railway workers in general,» they noted.

The statement from La Fraternidad, signed by the general secretary, Omar Maturano. (Photo: The Fraternity)

The strong statement from the Ministry of Transportation regarding the train strike: «It is unintelligible»

Hours before the train strike begins in Argentina, the Ministry of Transportation released a strong statement against the La Fraternidad guild for this measure of force.

«The measure of force on the part of La Fraternidad is incomprehensible, which entails bad business faith as the joint negotiating table is in full force, even having reached, at the beginning of the month, positive results in the agreements,» they noted.

The strong statement from the Ministry of Transportation regarding the train strike this Wednesday, February 21.  (Photo: TN)

The strong statement from the Ministry of Transportation regarding the train strike this Wednesday, February 21. (Photo: TN)

Why is there a train strike this Wednesday, February 21

The interruption of services occurs in claim of a salary increase. Omar Maturano, the secretary general of The fraternity (Train Drivers Union) explained that “There was no proposal from the Government”.

In a brief statement, the union said: “The National Secretariat of the La Fraternidad Union addresses its colleagues to inform them that, in a meeting on 02/16/2024, it has decided to exercise the right to strike (Art.14 Bis of the CN) , on February 21, 2024, from 00:00 to 24 hours.

The statement from The Fraternity.  (Photo: The Fraternity)

The statement from The Fraternity. (Photo: The Fraternity)

Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2024-02-21 06:18:41 en:

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