Gerardo Morales broke the silence – News from Argentina – Es de Latino News

Gerardo Morales broke the silence – News from Argentina – Es de Latino News

Breaking the silence that had been self-imposed around the case against several people for spreading versions about his private life and that of his familyhe former governor of Jujuy Gerardo Morales He maintained that the two men who were detained for more than fifty days and were released on Monday –Nahuel Morandini and Roque Villegas- are linked to the Tupac Amaru organization and they are brought to justice not “for tweeting” but for being part of a “criminal group” that altered the identity of his two-year-old daughter and generated “psychological injuries” due to gender violence against his wife.

Morandini and Villegas face a judicial case for “organizing, creating, disseminating and making uncertain or altering the identity of a 2-year-old girl and for psychological injuries aggravated by gender violence”.


Interviewed by journalist Jorge Lanata on the Radio Miter signal from Buenos Aires, Morales raised “What do I tell my daughter when she asks me who the father is?” and revealed his determination that the case reach the Supreme Court of Justice considering that it is a “leading case”.

“This is not a cause for tweeting in Jujuy, but rather it is a cause organized by Morandini and Villegas”stated the former provincial president, who accused both of “organizing, planning, creating, disseminating and making uncertain and altering the identity of a two-year-old girl, and for psychological injuries aggravated by gender violence in the case of my wife,” he remarked.

Thus Morales He referred to those arrested on January 4 and that They were imprisoned for 54 days in Jujuy within the framework of a research that began by replicating publications on social networks Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPA) following a complaint filed by Morales’ wife, Tulia Snopek.

Morales maintained that “This is a serious crime.” and warned that it is “simplified or minimized to a tweet” when in reality “There is an organization that belongs to a group of Tupac Amaru that met” while cases were being carried out against the leader Miracle Roomforming “a criminal group”.

“I want this issue to reach the Court because it is a limit and I want justice. Who repairs my psychological damage? What do I tell my two-year-old daughter when she asks me who the father is? What is his psychological health going to end up with after such a crime that has been committed, which is making his identity uncertain?” he asked himself.

Asked about the relevance of going to Criminal Justice instead of going to Civil Justice, he assured that he is protected by the article 139 of the Penal Code.

“I am going to take care of the honor of my wife and the identity of my daughter.”which is the most serious crime in this case,” he noted.


He also made reference to the versions about “that my wife had an accident with a musician on October 6which is why I found out. It’s a lie: on October 5th I was admitted to the Italian Hospital (in Buenos Aires) and she was with me on the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th.. They also said that because of the ‘fever’ that I had, I canceled a festival, and that is a lie,» she asserted, once again warning that the damage to his family «is irreparable.»

In that framework he returned to the impact that this issue could have on his youngest daughter: “What do I have to do? A DNA when she is conscious? Every night I dream and I think this question will come when they ask him at school or when he is older and has access to a cell phone.”he pointed out.

In another section of the interview of more than thirty minutes, Morales anticipated that he will file lawsuits against the media outlets El Intransigente and Agencia Nova because they “extorted him last year.” with this issue, as well as a “libertarian national representative.”

“(Elizabeth) Gómez Alcorta comes from being Minister of Women and Gender and protects a person who is a criminal committing gender violence”warned the former governor of Jujuy and added that the third person involvedidentified as Lucia Gonzalesis “a great liar and the ideologue” of attacks on social networks.

“She has been a fugitive for more than thirty days and speaks through all the media. After her, it is said that I persecuted her because I spoke about her at the hearing,” he questioned.

Later he stressed that “the right to expression is that of opinion” and that The Constitution “does not endorse false information or false news”while according to the International Convention on the Rights of Children – he said -, this “is above that of expression.”

With information from Télam


Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2024-02-27 22:07:36 en:

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