Antofagasta teachers will return to classes in a «state of mobilization and alert» – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

Antofagasta teachers will return to classes in a «state of mobilization and alert» – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

He Union of Teachers and Education Professionals and the Antofagasta Teachers College reported that, after analyzing the responses of the Municipal Social Development Corporation, from This Thursday classes will return in the communityThe process will be gradual and in a «state of mobilization and alert.»

Regarding this determination, the president of the teachers union, Ivette Garecaexplained that «classes, as it is a gradual return, we do not immediately return to schools with children: We return on Thursday and Friday half a day, and starting Monday during the established hours of each establishment«.

«What the mobilization itself was, the workers highlight the fact that we have worked in a unified way, that many schools have joined that did not even have the voting opportunity before. From the authorities, The delay in being able to meet our needs is regrettable.«questioned the union representative, who in any case warned that they will continue»working on this list of requeststo specify, to specify, to respond to our demands and work contexts».


Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2024-04-16 21:36:11 en:

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