15 Best Dobby Quotes – Es de Latino News

15 Best Dobby Quotes – Es de Latino News


  • Dobby’s quotes provide comedic relief and remind viewers of his pure soul amidst the dark storylines in Harry Potter.
  • Dobby’s gratitude towards Harry for changing the treatment of house-elves showcases his compassionate nature and the impact of Harry’s actions.
  • Dobby’s loyalty and bravery are evident in his willingness to punish himself and protect Harry, even at the cost of his own well-being.

Dobby the house-elf is one of the most beloved characters in the Harry Potter franchise, and though he doesn’t speak much in the movies, there are still some great Dobby quotes. While he doesn’t appear in the films quite as much as he does in the books, he still manages to stand out. Almost everything that he says is golden and ranges from the inspiringly powerful and darkly comedic to the incredibly tragic, and each quote has remained memorable to viewers.

The best Dobby quotes act as a reminder that the house-elf is a pure soul who offers viewers comedic relief from some of the darkest storylines in the franchise by being almost constantly hilarious whenever he’s on-screen. Even though it’s just about impossible to forget how heartbreakingly Dobby’s story ends in the Harry Potter franchise, the best Dobby quotes will always bring a smile to the faces of longtime fans, even if they have to remind fans of the tear-jerking scene where Dobby has to say goodbye for the last time.

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15 “Harry Potter. Such An Honor It Is, Sir!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Dobby the house elf in Harry Potter

Dobby’s first line in both the books and the movie expresses his awe at meeting Harry Potter. Dobby, like most of the wizarding world, is aware of who Harry is before Harry even knows he’s a wizard. As Dobby points out to Harry at one point, Harry’s “defeat” of Voldemort as a baby means that a lot of older wizarding families start to treat their house-elves much better than before. Though Dobby might still be treated poorly by the Malfoy family, he is already grateful to Harry for the way things changed for other house-elves.

14 «Dobby Has Heard Of Your Greatness, Sir, But Never Has He Been Asked To Sit Down By A Wizard! Like An Equal.»

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Dobby talking to Harry Potter in his bedroom in Chamber of Secrets

Being a house-elf of a Death Eater, Dobby has had a horrible time during his life of servitude. So when he meets Harry Potter for the first time and Harry offers him a seat, Dobby starts crying from shock. It’s absurd how little kindness it takes for Dobby to start crying, so this Dobby quote made the audience aware of the position of house-elves in society. It also marks Harry’s greatness as more than just what happened to him as a baby, as his compassion for others is what drives him to save the wizarding world.

13 “Socks Are Dobby’s Favorite, Favorite Clothes, Sir! I Has Seven Now, Sir. . . . But Sir … They Has Made A Mistake In The Shop, Harry Potter, They Is Giving You Two The Same!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, The Novel

A closeup of Dobby in the Harry Potter movie franchise

The very first item of clothing that Dobby is presented with, in both the Chamber of Secrets novel and movie, is a sock. As a result, they become Dobby’s favorite item of clothing, and he has a large collection of them as a free elf. When Harry gives him a pair of old socks for Christmas in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire novel, however, Dobby is shocked to find that the socks match as he’s been under the impression that each one is unique. It’s a sweet moment that highlights what Dobby doesn’t know about something so simple despite living and working with wizards his entire life.

12 “And If Dobby Does It Wrong, Dobby Will Throw Himself Off The Topmost Tower, Harry Potter!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, The Novel

Dobby snapping his fingers in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Dobby is unflinchingly loyal to Harry Potter. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for the teenage wizard during their short friendship, but he’s also used to having to punish himself when he disobeys the family that used to hold him in servitude. As a result, nearly every time he decides to help Harry, he also makes comments about punishing himself if he does it incorrectly, which unnerves Harry a great deal. Harry doesn’t need his allies flinging themselves off the Astronomy tower if they aren’t able to complete a task, and he has to make that clear to Dobby multiple times.

11 Dobby Only Wants Harry Potter To Be Safe.”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Harry grabs Dobby in Chamber of Secrets

Throughout his first film appearance, Dobby proves to be somewhat of an annoyance to Harry Potter. He creates a slew of problems that either get Harry in massive trouble or result in actual injury. In a way, Dobby is an antagonist in the film and even acts like somewhat of a jerk, but audiences can’t help but sympathize with Dobby due to this quote, which he speaks forlornly. Dobby isn’t malicious, in fact, he is only acting in such a destructive way because he cares about Harry Potter and wants to do the right thing.

10 “Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Dobby bangs his head on Harry Potter's dresser in Chamber of Secrets

This Dobby quote is definitely one of the character’s most well-known catchphrases. He yells it whenever he does something he assumes he shouldn’t have, and then attempts to bang his head on any surface he can find. While it takes the audience by surprise at first, it becomes both humorous and a little tragic to watch. It’s just chaotic enough to make Dobby appear as a comedic character, while also showing the terrible situation that house-elves are in, constantly feeling that they need to obey their master and punish themselves for any defiance.

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9 «Terrible Things Are About To Happen At Hogwarts. Harry Potter Must Not Stay Here, Now That History Is To Repeat Itself.»

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Dobby comes to warn Harry Potter in Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is one of the franchise’s scariest movies, and it’s filled with suspense and foreboding. Dobby is the first to create this atmosphere when he warns Harry that he must not stay at Hogwarts because of terrible things to come. He then tries to get Harry kicked out of Hogwarts multiple times throughout the year, which he justifies by his fear that Harry is in danger. Dobby’s hint of history repeating itself also creates great tension and further mystery that drives the plot forward. It builds suspense around all the characters, both the victims and the suspects.

8 “You Shall Not Harm Harry Potter!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Dobby has his arms crossed angrily as he says he has no master in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

One of Dobby’s most memorable moments in the Harry Potter franchise occurs in Chamber of Secrets. Just after Harry has hidden a sock in the book that Lucius Malfoy gives to Dobby, Lucius becomes incredibly angry that Harry has cost him a servant. The wizard tries to use his walking stick, which hides his wand, against Harry, but Dobby immediately comes to Harry’s defense. It’s the first time the audience sees the kind of powerful magic that Dobby has, magic he hasn’t been able to use since he wasn’t a free elf before.

7 “Dobby Is Used To Death Threats, Sir. Dobby Gets Them Five Times A Day At Home.”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Dobby sits on the end of Harry Potter's bed in Chamber of Secrets

Dobby is a great character because he manages to be tragic and funny at the same time. This Dobby quote is a perfect example of that. When Harry threatens Dobby over trying to get him kicked out of Hogwarts, Dobby simply shrugs it off. It’s sad because viewers can only wonder how much abuse the house-elf must be taking in order to not be bothered by death threats, but simultaneously the nonchalance with which he says the quote can’t help but elicit a laugh. This Dobby quote also hints at his bravery, as he is able to withstand any dangerous threat when he is trying to do the right thing.

6 “Master Has Given Dobby A Sock. Master Has Presented Dobby With Clothes! Dobby Is Free!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Dobby holding a sock at the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

This is the Dobby quote that has been memed countless times in the 20 years that Chamber of Secrets has been out. In the movie, Dobby is still enslaved by the Malfoy family, but if a house-elf is presented with clothes, they are freed, so Harry tricks Malfoy into freeing Dobby by hiding a sock in a book.

It’s a lovely moment for Dobby, as all the torment that the house-elf has had to endure is now over. It also shows how much Harry cares about Dobby, and since he spends the majority of the movie being annoyed by him, it marks a significant amount of growth. Dobby’s ecstatic cries of freedom will always be one of the best Harry Potter franchisequotes.

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5 «Dobby Has No Master. Dobby Is A Free Elf, And Dobby Has Come To Save Harry Potter And His Friends!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

Dobby with Harry Potter and his allies in Deathly Hallows

Between the second and seventh movies, film fans may have missed Dobby even more than book fans did, so when he shows up to save the Golden Trio from the Death Eaters, it’s a wondrous surprise. The Death Eaters and the Malfoys are shocked at his appearance, with Bellatrix yelling, «How dare you defy your masters!» But Dobby stands proudly and gives this cheer-worthy quote proclaiming his freedom while showing his bravery and strength. Sadly, it’s one of the last few Dobby quotes from the franchise too.

4 “Sir? I Like Her Very Much.”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

Dobby Rescues Ollivander and Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

When Dobby is helping prisoners of the Death Eaters escape, this includes Luna Lovegood, and she says to him, «Whenever you’re ready, Sir.» This prompts delight from Dobby, prompting a funny line that adds some levity to the tense situation that the characters are in. It also marks how much Dobby has grown because, while he used to consistently hate and punish himself, he now appreciates it when people show him respect.

3 «Dobby Never Meant To Kill! Dobby Only Meant To Maim, Or Seriously Injure!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

Dobby at Malfoy Manor in Deathyl Hallows Part 1

When Dobby is attacking Bellatrix Lestrange, she cries out in disgust that the «stupid» elf could have killed her and Dobby responds by yelling a quote in the only way that Dobby can: dark and yet still comedic. This Dobby quote is a callback to how he tried to injure Harry in The Chamber Of Secrets, only now he’s using the same sentiment to heroically save the day. It’s also great to see such a small creature stand on his own against one of the most dangerous Death Eaters, though she proves this by throwing a knife at Dobby and killing him, one of the worst things Bellatrix ever did.

2 “[Dumbledore] Said We Is Free To Call Him A – A Barmy Old Codger If We Likes, Sir!”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, The Novel

Sir Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

When Dobby first becomes a free elf, he does have a bit of a hard time finding work. He wants to maintain his freedom, but Dobby also genuinely enjoys working. He ends up at the one place he knows there is plenty of work to go around – Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Dumbledore is also an excellent boss, offering up more money than Dobby wants and vacation time that Dobby doesn’t want to take. He is amused by Dumbledore encouraging Dobby to disagree with him and call him names, and he says as much to Harry in the Goblet of Fire novel, highlighting how different his life is after taking a job at Hogwarts compared to when he worked for the Malfoy family.

1 “What A Beautiful Place…To Be With Friends. Dobby Is Happy To Be With His Friend…Harry Potter.”

Dobby in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

Dobbys death in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Dobby’s death is one of the saddest moments in the entire Harry Potter franchise, and it is only made sadder by Dobby’s last words. At the end of the seventh film, he dies in Harry’s arms, meaning that at least Dobby is able to die in a place that makes him happy. His friendship with Harry had changed his life for the better, so it’s fitting that Harry is mentioned in Dobby’s dying breath.

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