Women from the Piñera family performed the honor guard – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

Women from the Piñera family performed the honor guard – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

This Thursday the honor guards for former president Sebastián Piñera continued, including ministers, former ministers and even some of the miners. However, one of the most emotional moments of the day was when the women of the Piñera family paid honor to the deceased leader, which was made up of his widow, Cecilia Morel, his sister and who survived the accident, Magdalena Piñera, his daughters Cecilia and Magdalena, and their niece Maria Irene Chadwick, daughter of Herman Chadwick


Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2024-02-08 19:25:25 en:

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#Women #Piñera #family #performed #honor #guard #News #Chile #Latino #News

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