Summer rains affect communities and routes in the Province of El Loa – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

Summer rains affect communities and routes in the Province of El Loa – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

The summer rains will continue until this Friday in the Antofagasta Region, those that until now have slightly affected the communities from Alto El Loa now also to the state of the routes of the area.

Calama’s routes remain with some damage as a result of these precipitations. In that sense, the most affected has been Route-24which unites the communes of Calama and Tocopilla, where the balance has left four vehicles buried, Therefore, the authorities call for extreme caution when traveling on said road.

«Insure people with safety, to drive with caution since the routes are enabled. (If possible) avoid making these tripssince the rainfall is announced until this Friday «, detailed the major Erich Ehrenfeld, of the First Police Station of Calama.

The officer also recommended travel in 4×4 vehicles in the area due to road conditions.

As reported in the balance made by the Municipality of Calamathe damage caused by this phenomenon managed to be reduced due to the previous coordination and deployment of the same municipality, which provided nylon for the houses, blankets and roofs as a preventive measure.

Furthermore, they highlighted that Basic services are relatively normaland reports from schools remain without major damage.

The mayor of Calama, Eliecer Chamorrowarned that «beyond the fact that we have certain organisms like Cogrid, which has another name (Senapred), which is another organism that they have, It is necessary to build a critical infrastructure plan for the disaster zone in the northern part of the country.and that implies redirecting sectoral resources quickly, through emergency decrees.»

«I hope that the Cogrid of municipal or communal case have the fastest qualification and greatest powers to decree this state of regional alert,» added the mayor.

Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2024-02-09 12:06:03 en:

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