The catastrophes we have experienced have meant a very important level of destruction – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

The catastrophes we have experienced have meant a very important level of destruction – News from Chile – Es de Latino News

The Minister of Social Development, Javiera Tororeferred to the third reconstruction process that he assumed as a result of the forest fires that affected the Valparaíso Region last week.

In interview with Thirdthe Secretary of State pointed out that the accidents in Viña del Mar «means the largest catastrophe since February 27, 2010. «There are many elements in common, but there are also characteristics that make this reconstruction process more complex.»

In that sense, he pointed out that these characteristics correspond to the «population density, homes and affected families» of the area, and as he explained, «the preliminary estimates made by the Minvu and Bienes Nacionales speak of more than 10,000 to 15,000 homes affected«However, he noted that «it is necessary to corroborate it on the ground.»

Likewise, he clarified that «until this Friday there are 4,318 chips applied and next week we should have managed to register the bulk of the homes.


Minister Toro was also appointed by the President Gabriel Boric to develop reconstruction plans for the areas affected by the forest fires and floods of 2023, processes that They have not yet finished and he clarified that «they are complex and long.»

In that sense, he explained that «the rain plan, which is the one I had to formulate, has a total execution period of four years. Considering that there are measures of greater complexity. Our goal is to have 50% progress per year«.

Likewise, he stated that the reconstruction due to the fires that affected the Quebrada 7 Hermanas sector in Viña del Mar is underway.

«The reconstruction processes are complex and long. During the first year we aim to recover basic habitability conditions and normality in people’s lives.«he explained.

In this regard, he specified about the progress that «for summer forest fires in Ñuble there is 17.4%; in Biobío there is 33.4% and in La Araucanía 28.4%. With respect to June rain plan According to Minvu, to date there are 296 (65.5%) in the Metropolitan Region; in Ohiggins 1,518 (73.3%); in Maule 1,966 (89%), in Ñuble 665 (87.1%); in Biobío 902 (93.4%). There is no progress in the August plan in the RM, in O’Higgins 319 (36.1%); in Maule 291 (18.9%); in Ñuble 177 (87.2%); in Biobío there is no progress.»

«To date there is a 17.4% (36) of permanent homes completed or running and an 82.7% of subsidies allocated (172). The catastrophes we have experienced have meant a very important level of destruction. We have always pointed out that some of the reconstruction measures even take several years, and we must be very clear about that,» he added.


Faced with the emergency, the head of Social Development declared that «part of the learning last year was the need for greater institutionalization of the reconstructions, it is not enough for a person to be named«, and highlighted that this year’s Budget law contemplates «that there is the creation of an interministerial reconstruction committee chaired by the Ministry of Social Development«.

Under the same idea, she explained that she spoke with former president Sebastián Piñrea after being appointed to the position. In that conversation, she explained, the former president «shared some elements and learnings from the reconstruction processes that occurred during his government.» .

«He asked me about how to take care of such a large impact on housing in sectors that have a lot of diversity and cHow the State has the appropriate and flexible tools to respond to a situation of land occupation that often has elements of irregularity.

Likewise, «one of the lessons that the former president pointed out to me was that we need a very great interministerial and interinstitutional coordination because without it the processes do not advance. On the other hand, the need to have flexible instruments that can respond to different territorial realities because it is not the same to rebuild a housing sector that is a complex built by Serviu 30 or 40 years ago.»

Esta nota es parte de la red de Wepolis y fué publicada por Jhon Williams el 2024-02-10 14:49:09 en:

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